Dear Sister,
Hallo, I am aware we have not had quite the textbook sister to sister relationship. However, I would like to share some life lessons I have picked along the way that might help you to avoid the pitfalls I have succumbed to growing up. so here I go:
Spend your money on the things you like. I understand that you have to save and all but please do not save to an extent of denying yourself the very things that you need or to an extent of being miserable. Buy oil, perfume, a comfortable shoe, a pretty top. however, save also for a rainy day. this eliminates the need to depend on people for everything you need,
let your excuse in life never be that you do not have time. time and chance are given equally to everybody so use yours wisely. do all you have to do in good time so that you do not get last minute pressure. you had better panic early than do so at the last minute. see, for example, an assignment
- do it early, finish. this frees you and gives you time to do other things that you may love doing but somehow never get time. also, you are able to be moire efficient and reliable especially when you get to the work industry.
these are great people in our lives but never lose yourself while you are busy living for your friend. what i have realized dear sister is that you are the most important person in your life. if you decide to go for shopping at 10 pm, and your friend refuses or postpones you do what you want to do because at the end of the day it is your life you are looking at. i do not mean ditch your friends but i do mean that love yourself to the extent of not shortchanging yourself in anything.
wear what you feel smart in.
leave them, allow them to grow.
the man who loves you is one who respects you and treats you like a tender flower. you will feel the need to work hard to please him but as long as you know what you are doing is right, do not compromise in any way. you will feel so good about yourself. life has a way of telling us that if that man goes a way he goes away with all the love life has to offer but take it form me, if he does not treat you as a princess, your prince is still out there.
whatever happens, do not move in with him until he has committed to be your husband.
here is a subject I will tell you. love is within yourself. you need to love yourself so much such that you have enough to share with those around you. do not seek to get it from people.
always, always remember him. after all is said and done.he is all we need.
Glow-big siz.