Thursday, 21 July 2016

Before Anyone/Anything Else ,Phenomenal

Bae has acquired several meanings over time. Today,I focus on the one commonly known as" before anyone/anything else".
Before I proceed,let me say a big heartfelt thank you to all of you who take time to read my blog and comment and ask for the next piece.We are moving forward and going places together.
Continue reading....

First of all,is this really possible? That one person can be before anyone else? Maybe? Maybe not.What does it mean when you finally call someone's son /daughter bae.Is it that you find the person before you find anyone else or at the time of finding,you make the decision to put the person before anyone else? Before anyone else is vague,right? I always wonder to myself,is it just a word we invented because it sounds nice?

I am many things but am also very very intense and I expect if you call me  bae then surely live up to the word.In my case though,I would not mind coming after Jesus.But isnt that love really? Putting aside yourself for others?

I remember a discussion by the fireplace that involved a number of individuals, it centers on second wives, and cheating husbands,and lazy wives and husbands.Many things were said about why any two people would commit to love each other would suddenly decide that commitment was null and void. A lot was said but the belly of the matter is I believe selfishness.the matter is refusing to choose him/her to be your bae.Love is not selfish,it is selfless and if both parties would abide by the selfless laws,I am positive that couples problems and issues would be reduces significantly.
I acknowledge it is not easy but is doable.

The self-christened knight I met while in Naivasha,well,he jumbles a lot of his statements. He literally has the ability to evade one question for a straight 27hours.Maybe that's why he makes a great lawyer,they do that mostly-discuss everything else while expertly avoiding the real issue.

The little I know about knights is from movies,they embody honour, courage,loyalty and sweet things like those.I believe that these are all good qualities in a man,admirable qualities I must say.This knight I met,also taught me that a real knight has weaknesses that he is not afraid to show once in a while(I mean we do not want crybabies in men also).Something bad/ careless happened to him and personally I had been avoiding to ever touch on the subject.He however owned it and now,we even joke about it.

My point is ,a knight who is not afraid to be vulnerable is a treasure to the lady.Is all the more attractive to the lady.The all macho guy who knows all,embraces all,never gets it wrong is actually exhausting.

I love myself and always protect myself.I am working on having my bae be my bae(mostly praying about it).And wherever my knight is,I hope you are praying that your bae be your bae.I hope then we will have a formidable knight and bae union.

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