Its been a long time since I penned anything.I would like to break my hiatus by talking to 21 year old Gloria.
Hi,and congratulations on completing 1st year of campus. You are alive and well,that's something.
First of all,I would like to remind you that God is the one who has brought you this far.You are required to honour him and serve him.Do you remember when God said that seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all the other things shall be added unto you? Imagine he meant it.So,I appreciate that you go to church on Sunday,but you need to feed on God's word through and through .Therefore, it is good that you get a family of believers so that you can grow.
Do you remember when your mother and all your teachers told you to keep off boys? Yes,they were right. Boys get you pregnant.Of course not by looking at them,it happens when you have sex with them.Gloria,many myths are propagated concerning this subject.I would like to draw your attention to the reproduction topic in Biology in high school; fertilization takes place when the sperm meets the ovum.When this collision grows,it becomes a baby.I would like to tell you that you are not ready for a baby so keep your vagina as far away from boys as possible.
In regard to this reproduction class,I would like to tell you that what you feed your mind is what you reproduce.Feed your mind with helpful literature. If you fill your mind with sex and romance,then the war to keep your vagina to yourself will be harder to win and losing it will be a piece of very moist cake.
Keep friends who help your life; emotionally,spiritually, academically, know wholistically.You are in campus for just a short time,you do not need to use that time to fit into peoples thoughts about,well. Everything.
Invest the little money you get.Invest in something, you could put it into a sacco or an investment firm.This is a good culture that will help you in the future.
I wish for you to know just what a great person you are.You are beautiful; and are not defined by the clothes you wear or by what your classmates say. I want you to find strength in who you are.I need for you to find validation within you and not from what is around you.
You need to learn as much as you can.Don't be afraid to ask what you don't know. All your classmates come from different parts of the world and have been brought up in different cultures and background. That you don't know one thing does not mean you don't know everything.You are in school to learn.So,learn.
Take this time to build on things you love.It will not be as easy as you may imagine but hang in there.Don't give up. The little things you achieve are not little, build on them.Keep knocking on doors so that when you are older,they will also be big.
Let me just say again,love may find you and that is great.However, it is not part of the curriculum.
Lastly, read hard and pass. Love yourself because you are great.Trust God to hold you through. Be careful.And when you do make mistakes,fall forward.
Yours faithfully,
Older you;with love.
Trust me,I have been there.
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