Wednesday, 29 November 2023


 I always knew I wanted to be a mother.However, I didn't have reasons for it.I just knew that it was the natural course of life. I also always knew that I wanted my first born to be a boy and then a girl. For this, I had a pretty good reason. I wanted to rewrite my own life .At least a small part of it. I always wanted a big brother.A sibling who would love for me just as I saw my siblings love each other. Well, that's a story for another time. 

God is a God of miracles and his plans are higher than mine. Once he began to bless me with the gift of children, he saw it fit that I mother three sons.I know that sounds like a lot.I call them my three legends.

I genuinely believe that these sons of mine will accomplish big things on this side of eternity. I am so privileged to be the mother to three sons.So many people looking from the outside in talk to me about how difficult it is to raise three boys. It is a handful but with my three legends it is really straightforward. My boys are really easy to raise. As soon as I understood how full of life they all were, being a mother to them became so much better.

Each of my three legends have distinct personalities. They are all very opinionated individuals which makes my house a courthouse majority of the time. None of them is a pushover.

The noise and reports makes for very lively and noisy days and evenings and sometimes early mornings.The name "mum" is called so many times in a day it leaves a ring when I go to sleep.It is when I received all my three legends together that I began to sleep like a log 

Tonight as I spread my bed ,as the sheet flew, I thought about my legends. I thought about them turning a task I can complete in a short while a whole game which extends the period of spreading the bed to about fifteen minutes. I remembered them eagerly standing on the side of the bed waiting for me to finish so that they can jump on my well made bed.It made me smile.

(My legends are with their grandma for the holidays.Yes, by the sheer Grace of God I am a very good mother to three sons but I need to fill my cup once in a while. )

I have made a promise myself to parent these legends of mine without murmuring. To be thankful for every precious second I get to spend with them. I thank God who made me their steward as they transition to men of substance.Every single day, I ask God to show me how to do this important job.

My three legends are special .I truly believe that their story is just being written 

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