Wednesday 17 May 2017


I was happy.
I was contented.
I had finally found him,my "the one".
He was very funny and actually got all my jokes. This does not happen often.They say that I have an interesting sense of humor.But he got it,and he laughed.
I think my previous relationship was just bad because in him I found a sense of wholeness.
I felt happier.

Maybe I had just grown up more than the last time and my expectations were a little more sensible but at the time I was completely happy.
Well,I was completely happy with him until he introduced me to his brother.

Now,dont you judge me you "judgers".
At least not until you hear my story.
You see,let me first label these two men so that we do not get lost as I let you in on my story.

Guy 1 ,we shall name Jay and Guy 2,meaning the brother,we shall name Jay.Good...

So Jay is a wildlife photographer which means that he is just busy.
I got together with him because he is also a creative- like me.
But sometimes I don't see ahead and therefore did not anticipate the nights I would spend alone in bed waiting for him.And then,he would come in the wee hours of the morning to take a shower and go back to work.
That arrangement therefore left me with the Kay option.

I need to say they are a cool charismatic family by the way.
So,we got to talking,turns out he was into fitness and diet and all things healthy .

That's very attractive in a man especially for a lonely girl.
One bike ride in Karura  Forest led to a mountain hike in Mt.Longonot and finally the grand finale which was witnessed by Jay on the couch.It was not possible to explain the very compromising situation that Kay and I were in.

Here is the most interesting twist(yes,I will just go ahead and tell you where the twist in my story is),Kay did not fling me aside and try to deny what was happening.No,we did not continue and no it was not sex,just compromising.
Things a brother and a brothers girlfriend should not be doing.

Kay and Jay just stood there looking at each other,the pain of the double betrayal paralyzing Jay right where he stood.Then Kay did something that was both stupid and heroic,he said," Bro,I love her."

It was between those words properly reaching my ears and me digesting them that Jay landed a heavy blow on his brothers face which sent him spiralling on the glass table.
Blood spattered all over the red and white carpet which Kay had once told me was Jays pride and joy.It was  his first year project in school.

It was in that moment I looked at Kays body that I knew that my life would not be the same should Kay die.
I dont know when I made the switch but it had happened.I hated Jay for what he had done to Kay.

Okay,for those who really want to know what happened to Kay and not focus on the fact that I chose one brother over the other,I will tell you.
Kay passed away on that table.Jay took flight but was arrested soon after and is now cooling his murderous self in a Kenyan maximum security prison.

I have not found what I had with the brothers.I am cooling my- what Kays mother called-' devilish spawn' self in a mental institution somewhere.My doctor told me that writing would help me get better .They believe I was sick but I am just a girl who found too much love in one house and then it was no more.

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