Wednesday 11 February 2015


If I was given a chance to choose the colours for valentine especially this valentine of twenty fifteen, you guessed right- it would be black and white. I am of the school of thought that valentine is a day to celebrate love. Before you start bashing me and getting all defensive, I mean love in all spheres including visiting an orphanage. I explain this celebration thing like this, it is like celebrating a graduation. In essence what you are doing is celebrating success. It don't mean that  that is the only day you have succeeded it means that we have taken time off our lives to celebrate this one day.

Back on course, however, sticking to the explanation that valentine is a day to celebrate love, black and white are parallel colours. (I am speaking in English where these two are considered colours.)
Love is a tool so powerful able to bring different people from their various spheres of life and keep them together. Love is this glue that makes a Chinese hook up with a Kenyan and then choose to live in Qatar because they want to be together. Love looks beyond the barriers and beyond the shortcomings and always finds a way to go through the obstacles and come out at the end or go above them. Love always finds a way to give something rather than be on the receiving end all the time.
Love always turns ashes to beauty. Love is beautiful. Tell me, have you looked at a couple whose members are so different yet they fit so perfectly. You can not really explain what puts them together but after you are through exhausting how different they are, you always settle for love as the ultimate answer as to why they are together.
I probably would not choose red lest we forget that love is not vain, it is not always feisty but that at times it is humble and meek, love does not always seek to be noticed but that at times love in secret ,love in silence is all it took. I would choose black and white to celebrate love.

Black and white is my meaning of love this Valentine.

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