Wednesday 6 April 2016

Toa uniform wewe!!!

A few years back while in high school,a few of my classmates after returning from a successful outing in coast returned to face charges of a planned exercise of painting Mombasa red.
The thought crossed my mind as I traversed  the streets of Nairobi this morning. I began to momentarily question the saying-if it walks and talks like a duck,then its a duck. Although, I believe that the problem originates from what the definition of a duck is.
These particular group of Kenyans looked like they were on an unholy pilgrimage having been released from a maximum confinement facility.
Were they so dis attached from the real world that they forgot untucked blouses no longer looked cool. Seriously, hopping from one city establishment to another clad in school uniform just portrays the dwindlingvlevel of style you posses.
Boys and girls,in 2016,combining your school uniform with funny hairstyles, cheap bandas and jewellery is wrong.
Heckling and using worn out sheng across the street disturbs us hardworking citizens and robs us our peace. It is worse when done in school uniform.
Your attire does nothing for you, you are a bother and should go home and at least change.then you may sneak and join other misguided individuals on the definition of 'cool and 'fun'.
Is that not the first lesson you learnt,when you first joined school?
"Toa  uniform!".

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