Thursday 31 March 2016


This is a topic I appreciate plagues a considerable number of women especially those who are just through form four and through first year to college.
I am just going to dive straight into what I am compelled to say. some are from my own experience and some from friends experiences and some well, common sense.
ladies, girls when you get pregnant prematurely, it seems like its the end of life but it is not. its the beginning of a journey that you have to find the strength to embark.
Pregnancy is not a guarantee of love, or commitment. please, understand that.
Pregnancy is not a license to make horrible decisions for your life. You can still pick yourself up, dust yourself and move on.
Your child's sperm donor is not the only man remaining in this world, there is a man out there who loves you just as you are. baby and all- give him a chance.
Not all men are your child sperm donor, good men still exist.
when you get pregnant, don't make the decision to run away for the man, talk it over with your partner before making a decision. As rarely celebrated as they are, there are some men who take their responsibilities quite seriously.
There is always help, take it.
As many times as you fail, pick yourself up.
Abuse is not love- small girls move on.
harsh- if you come to my place to seek assylum from a sorry excuse of a man, and then take my advice and shove it down the drain plus all the help I have given you and still make the choice to leave and return to your hell: thats stupid. And be prepeared to face your hell, only leave when you are sure you are out.
There is no other way to say this.

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