Thursday 24 March 2016


Song of Solomon 2:15 " Catch for the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom"{New international Version}
Gossip is defined as idle talk or rumor, especially about the private or personal affairs of others. {Wikipedia}. I feel compelled to add that it is an art of spreading rumor or perpetuating idle talk about the private or personal life of others.
gossip thrives in spreading information that is often times untrue. It thrives becuase usually, becasue there is a willing deliverer and a willing recipient. Let me skip the details of what gossip entails and how it circulates and try to explain the effects of gossip in our relationships.

Gossip usually gives birth to negative conclusions about the subject of the gossip. What this does, is that it makes those partaking in the gossip who am going to call gossips feel superior to the one they are talking about. Other times, it breeds jealousy among the gossips toward the gosippee. In any gossip groups, the gosippee is a friend. When feelings of superiority and/or jealousy begin arising between friends, then this relationship is headed for the woods. You see because these bad feelings are bred through gossip, the chances that these two friends will ever sit and talk about their feelings are almost nil.Eventually, their friendship dies.

This is something that could have been avoided if we had just stuck to highlighting the good stuff about our friends and kept mum about the personal life of others. Seriously, don't we have enough of our own lives to last us eternity? Gossip takes away the ability to see and face our own issues and work on them effectively  and instead focus on idle talk that wastes our very valuable time.

Gossip hinders us from helping our friend when they really need our help. We already have preconceived notions we gathered from a gossip session and so it is quite difficult to actually help a friend who really needs our help. in extreme circumstances, people have been known to even commit suicide because of friends not being there for them or spreading a funny rumor about them.
Gossip takes us away from our pursuit of righteousness, it in itself is a sin and it ushers a million other sins therefore taking us away from God and this is not a good position to be in.

This little fox destroys our vineyard of love. it is imperative for us to catch them and burn them so as to have healthy love vineyards. Whether you are the deliverer or the recipient, how about you try to change how you live and interact with your friends.

Let us have a healthy vineyard of love rid of little foxes weekend !

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